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Vacation mode

Vacation mode allows you to define a time period within which your store will be closed for business.

Vacation mode
  1. Access your seller dashboard by logging into your account.
  2. Click “Settings” in the left panel menu.
  3. Click “Vacation Mode” in the sub-menu.
  4. Check the “Enable Vacation Mode” check box.
  5. If you do not want shoppers to place orders in your store during vacation mode, check the “Disable Purchase During Vacation” check box.
  6. Make a selection from the “Vacation Type” drop down. You have a choice between “Instantly Close” and “Date wise close”.
  7. If you choose “Instantly Close”, you do not have to define any dates. The vacation mode will be activated right away. If you chose to disable purchases during the vacation mode, purchases will be deactivated right away, but you have to manually disable vacation mode to reactivate purchases.
  8. If you choose “Date wise close”, click in the “From” field and select a starting date for the vacation mode, and click in the “Upto” field to define an date for the vacation mode. If you chose to disable purchases during the vacation mode, purchases will be deactivated on the date defined in the “From” fields and get automatically reactivated on the date defined in the “Upto” field.
  9. Enter a message to be displayed to visitors.

When all is set up and done, click the “Save” button at the bottom right corner to update your settings (you can click the “Save” button at any point during the setup).


  • You should test all settings to make sure they function the way you intended.
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