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Checking withdrawal status

Once your withdrawal request has been completed, you will receive an email and site notification. However, you can check the status of the request any time.

  1. Head over to your account (see how to log in).
  2. Access your seller dashboard.
Withdrawals page
Withdrawal request button
  1. Click “Payments” in the left panel of your store manager. This displays the payments history page. If you are on the Withdrawals page, click the “Transactions” button at the top right of the screen.
  2. Click the withdrawal status box and choose “Show all”.
  3. By clicking “Choose Date Range”, you can restrict display of the payment history to a specific period.
  4. Point to the icon at the left of a row. The status of the withdrawal will pop up as a tooltip.
  5. If you have appropriate permissions, you can print your payments history or export it as pdf, excel or csv file.

All completed withdrawal requests will be marked with a white tick mark encircled with green.

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