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Accepting online payments

There are two modes in which sellers can accept payments on online and offline.

The online payment mode allows customers to pay for your products and services without having to contact you to arrange payment. Payments can be made using Visa or MasterCard, both local and international, and MTN, Vodafone and AirtelTigo mobile money wallets. This is has a number of benefits.

Benefits of accepting online payments

First, it speeds up the payment process. It removes the delay between the time the customer decides to make the purchase and the time they actually make the purchase. This can result in more sales for the seller. This is because anything can happen during this delay to make the customer change their mind about buying the product or buying from you. The smaller this delay is the higher the chance that the customer will complete the purchase.

Second, it gives the customer more confidence to make the purchase. One of the greatest challenges to buying and selling online is fraud. Most sales will go on without a hitch because most sellers are genuine. However, there are few crooks among the sellers who will take advantage of unsuspecting customers. They use all kinds of tricks, from listing items they do not have to deliberately giving false product descriptions. has put in place Buyer Protection to protect buyers. In the buyer protection program, online payments made do not go directly to the seller. Funds are held by the site admin until the buyer has confirmed receipt of and satisfaction with the product (see our buying policy). This way the buyer knows that they can get their money back if something goes wrong. With buyers feeling protected, their online buying confidence increases, and so do your sales.

Challenges of accepting online payments

There are two main challenges to sellers in receiving online payments.

First is delay in receiving payments. Since the site admin holds the money for some time, the sellers will obviously have to wait for some time to get the money for their sales. However, compared with increasing buyer confidence, and hence sales, this is a small price to pay.

Second is transaction fees. Every sale on that uses the online payment mode attracts a transaction fee (see our selling policy). This fee is charged by the payment processor that is responsible for facilitating the online payment, without which you would be unable to receive online payments. With online payments allowing you to reach places you couldn’t before, you get more sales; with more sales coming in because buyers are confident to give you their money, paying a little token to the guys behind the payment processor shouldn’t be a big deal.

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